On November 27, the Tajikistan-EU Committee on Cooperation held the 10th meeting in Brussels. Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan Zavki Zavkizoda and Deputy Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the European External Action Service Luc Devigne co-chaired the event, the press office of the Ministry reported.
At the beginning of the meeting, Zavkizoda noted that the European Union is a reliable and important partner for Tajikistan in achieving its strategic goals. He emphasised that the European Union has allocated 345 million euros for the development of Tajikistan’s economic sectors since 2012, and bilateral trade increased by 12.5 percent in 2022.
Tajikistan proposed several priority projects for funding to the European Union, including green economy, digital economy and social infrastructure projects, the Central Asian Drug Action Programme (CADAP 7) and the development of multifunctional communication technologies among the departments of border troops of the State Committee for National Security.
The European Union announced the allocation of 91 million euros for the priority areas of development to Tajikistan as part of the first stage of the EU Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2021-2024. Budget support is also being renewed: 30 million euros have been earmarked.