Expert Trapeznikov said that in the first quarter of this year, good results have been achieved both in the public and private sectors.
According to the results of the first quarter of this year, several positive trends were observed in the economy of Turkmenistan. Due to comprehensive measures to achieve sustainable growth, the stability of GDP was ensured, and it increased by 5,9% in comparison with the previous year. The observer of Turkmenistan’s economy Valentin Trapeznikov touched upon the topic within an interview to online media
The expert pointed out effective work in both the public and non-state sectors, outlining the main achievements in these areas.
Macroeconomic indicators
The volume of manufactured products increased by 3,2%, the retail trade turnover — by 17,7%, the size of wages for medium and large enterprises — by 10,5%.
The revenue side of the state budget for the analyzed period was executed at the level of 137,4%, and the expenditure side — by 89,7%.
Industry indicators
A significant increase in industrial production must be outlined. In the first three months of this year, the highest growth rates in the fuel and energy complex were recorded in natural-gas production — 13%, electricity production — 9,4%, lubricants — 10,9% and petroleum coke — more than 2.1 times.
In the chemical industry, the production of phosphate fertilizers increased by almost a quarter (24.9%) and potash fertilizers by 18,7%. The production of plastic and fiberglass pipes increased more than 2.5 times.
In the building materials industry, the highest growth rates were recorded in the production of cement — 25,6%, sheet glass — 5,3%, as well as prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.
Good performance has been achieved in light industry. For example, the volumes of cotton yarn and fabrics produced by the enterprises of the Ministry of Textiles amounted to 113,2% and 100,9%, respectively, garments and knitwear — 120,5%, leather goods — 104,5%. The plan for the production of carpet products by the state association Türkmenhaly was fulfilled by 112,4%.
In the food industry, a wide range of food products also showed high growth rates. Thus, compared to the previous year, the production of sausages increased by 24,4%, the production of butter and vegetable oils increased by 23,9% and 23,7%, respectively, the production of whole milk products, confectionery by 12,7% and 12,5%, and mineral waters and soft drinks by 49,4%.
Quite good indicators have been achieved in other ministries and departments as well. Thus, in the agro-industrial complex, in comparison with 2020, the production of vegetables, berries and fruits (by 3,2%), meat (1.8%), milk (5.7%) and eggs (3,9%). In general, in the agro-industrial complex, the growth rate of production volumes, works and services performed amounted to 103,8%.
The production plan by the structural divisions of the transport and communication complex for the analyzed period was fulfilled by 112,4%. The volume of communication services provision increased by 5,3%.
The growth of the total volume of trade in the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations amounted to 112,1%. At the same time, the increase in production was ensured at the level of 119,7%.
Nonstate sector
Positive indicators have also been recorded in the non-state sector. In particular, in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, the growth rate of agricultural and food production is 139,7%, and industrial — 125,3%.
Positive dynamics
The above indicators show that the economy of Turkmenistan, despite the coronavirus pandemic that has affected many countries, including the closest neighbors, maintains good positive dynamics.
At the same time, the country did not ask for help from other states, as well as from international organizations and financial structures. On the contrary, Turkmenistan itself provided humanitarian assistance to a number of neighboring countries.
It must be mentioned, that on April 19 the chairman of the Union of Economists of Turkmenistan, member of the co-ordinating council of the International Union of Economists, Yuri Aronsky said that the foresight of the Turkmen authorities reduced the negative phenomena in the economic sphere of Turkmenistan caused by the global crisis amid the COVID-19. According to the expert, accumulations in the composition of GDP, investments and industrial development played a special role in this direction.