As of March 30, 2023, 40,878 residents of Astana are recorded on the social housing waiting list, the official portal of the Astana Akimat, headed by Zhenis Kasymbek, reported.
Residents of different categories, including orphans, children without parental care, mothers of many children, awardees, large families, socially vulnerable groups of citizens, government employees, budgetary employees, military servants and residents of dilapidated houses, are waiting for social housing.
This year, the Astana Department of Housing Management and Housing Inspection is to distribute 3,382 apartments including under the support programmes, such as rental housing for socially vulnerable groups of citizens and large families, credit housing, rental housing for youth, as well as under the Yelorda Zhastary Regional Programme.
To date, 1,342 apartments out of the total amount have been distributed. The housing renovation programme in the capital city envisages the demolition of dilapidated houses and the resettlement of residents to new houses. In 2024, residents of 60 dilapidated houses will be resettled to 1,400 apartments, which will accommodate over 4,200 residents of the capital city.