Colleges in Kazakhstan start issuing QR code-based diplomas

An employer will quickly verify the authenticity of the applicant’s diploma.

As part of digitalization of education, QR code-based diplomas of technical, vocational and post-secondary education will be issued starting this year, the press office of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan reported to

This innovation aims to protect diplomas from counterfeiting and help employers verify the authentication of college degrees.

The QR code contains a link to the state web resource that provides information about the diploma holder, the educational institution and the details of the document from the State National Education Database (NEBD). The QR code also contains basic data about the graduate, including full name, name of the organisation, year of admission/ graduation, name of the specialty and qualification, form of education and the series and number of the diploma. Deputy Minister of Education Aibat Ilyasov emphasised that the QR code makes it easy to identify a graduate and verify the authenticity of his diploma.

This year, more than 140,000 college graduates will receive QR code-based diplomas, which is an important step to boost digital transformation of education and ensure document security.

07 07 2023, 10:21
Photo source: / artursafronovvvv

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