Mayor of Astana Zhenis Kassymbek posted the news in social media about the construction of schools in the city, reported.
Kassymbek reported that 14 schools, 11 of which will be put into operation at the beginning of the next school year, are currently under construction. New schools will be built in new residential areas under construction and housing estates on the right bank. Some of the new schools will replace dilapidated buildings in the «old» districts of the city.
24 schools will be built in Astana under of the Comfortable Schools National Project in the next 2 years. They will provide places for 90,000 schoolchildren who will study in 2 shifts.
This year, the Palace of Schoolchildren that covers an area of 7,500 square metres will open. It will have spaces for creative and sports activities and a 25-metre long swimming pool.
It is planned to build 15 Palaces of Schoolchildren for more children in the next 3 years. Construction work on 15 facilities will start this autumn.