The new decree on de-bureaucratization of the state’s administrative apparatus, signed by President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev on April 14, turned the superiority of the real essence over the form into a priority. In accordance with the document, system tools, which speed up decision making, increase independence and subjective responsibility of competent individuals and curtail the “odyssey” of documents and reports will be implemented through adopting digital technologies, the press office of the President of Kazakhstan reported to
The legally approved comprehensive upgrade is to cut by half the duration and stages of the rule-making and budgetary procedures. The document envisages continuing the systematization and automation of departmental reporting processes, prohibiting government agencies from requesting data from information systems and abolishing paper reviewing and page-by-page approval of documents.
For these purposes, heads of government agencies will have opportunities for remote and other related work, as digital transformation plays the main role in de-bureaucratizing all areas of public administration.
The core message of the decree is that government officials will be released from excessive working routine and thresholds and political and economic reforms in Kazakhstan will be greatly facilitated at the present stage of development.
The press office reported that the society is the main beneficiary of these measures.