Japarov issues law that prohibits smoking all tobacco products

The law prohibits tobacco and hookah advertising as well.

On September 28, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov issued the law that prohibits smoking in public places. Parliament adopted the Law On the Protection of the Health of Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the Consequences of Tobacco and Nicotine Consumption and Exposure to Tobacco Smoke and Aerosol on July 29 this year, the press office of the President of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The purpose of this document is to protect the health of citizens of Kyrgyzstan from the consequences of tobacco use.

In particular, the law initiators noted that the ban applied to cafes and restaurants. The document also prohibits all tobacco advertising.

The deputies proposed to ban smoking in public places in 2019. One of the law initiators, a member of Parliament Almazbek Toktorov said the document was pending before the health committee.

The law initiators noted that citizens of Kyrgyzstan died or became disabled through smoking tobacco and inhaling smoke in electronic smoking devices, and the current laws were ineffective in combating smoking.

29 09 2021, 08:28
Photo source: antydot.info

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