Japarov said Kyrgyz women had overcome staunchly the hardest trials in the modern history of Kyrgyzstan.
On March 5, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, together with his spouse Aigul Japarova had a meeting with women of different professions from all the regions of the country. The meeting took place at the Ala-Archa State Residence on the eve of International Women’s Day. Congratulating those present, the leader of Kyrgyzstan emphasised that the nation had gone through ordeals in the modern history of Kyrgyzstan largely thanks to the patience, staunchness and courage of women, the press office of President of the Kyrgyz Republic reports.
He noted that there were many women-leaders in the country nowadays.
The role of the fair half of society continues to grow, and women – free, proud, talented and beautiful – not only perform excellently their direct responsibilities, but also fruitfully work in nearly all sectors of the national economy.
The women, who had showed special distinction in their work – teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs and athletes, delivered welcome speeches and thanked the leader of the country for his congratulations.