Webinar on SDG finance in Ashgabat

A webinar focused on the ways to steer investment towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan.

On December 18, the UN Development Programme and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan held an online seminar on the practices in financing and attracting investment to achieve the SDGs in the country in the capital of Turkmenistan. Particular attention was paid to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UNDP press office reported on December 19.

Employees of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Central Bank, the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs and international finance and investment consultant Konstantin Egorov attended the webinar. The event was organised in the framework of the joint project of UNDP and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan “Partnering for SDG acceleration”.

Discussions focused on the enhancement of cooperation between local authorities and international and regional funds in the specific fields during the period until 2030. Egorov presented an overview of the institutions operating under the auspices of the UN.

The webinar participants also discussed a set of measures taken by the international financial institutions to mitigate negative social and economic impacts of COVID-19.

It should be noted that in early 2020, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan Elena Panova noted the progress of Turkmenistan in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

21 12 2020, 16:25
Photo source: turkmentv.gov.tm

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