Ashgabat to host international oil and gas forum

The OGT-2020 conference will be broadcast in more than 70 countries around the world through the Zoom Professional platform.

The XXV International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2020» will be held in Ashgabat in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on October 28-29. It was reported to the correspondent of the by a representative of the Turkmen Forum company.

The OGT-2020 event is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan. The two-day forum will be attended by heads and representatives of state structures of the country and leading oil and gas foreign companies, major international organizations, and financial institutions.

The event will be organized by SC Turkmengaz and Turkmenneft in partnership with the economic society Turkmen Forum and the support of the British company GaffneyCline.

It must be added that the seminar will be broadcast in more than 70 countries around the world through the Zoom Professional platform. The same format will be used to organize meetings (both online and in-person) with the management of the oil and gas sector of the state.

The participants of the event will discuss issues related to the development trends of the fuel and energy sector, energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan, the implementation of the large-scale TAPI pipeline project, attracting investments in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea, prospects for gas chemical projects, etc.

It is also planned to hold presentations and panel sessions to exchange experience and inform participants about the status of the main projects that are currently implemented in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan.

In February 2020, a roadshow of the International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2020» was held in Dubai. It was participated by representatives of more than 100 largest oil and gas, service and consulting companies, financial structures, research institutes, experts from 40 countries of the world.It should be mentioned that in 2019 the oil and gas conference brought together representatives from the Russian Federation, USA, China, Turkey, UAE, Great Britain, Malaysia, Japan, Azerbaijan, Italy.

Turkmenistan is the second state in the CIS in terms of natural gas reserves after Russia. Now natural gas is supplied to Russia and China. Following the Program for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan, it is planned to increase the annual production of natural gas to 250 billion cubic meters, oil to 110 million tons in 2030.

26 10 2020, 16:30
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