Tajik weather specialists forecast dust storms and mudflows

The Emergency Committee recommended suspending agricultural activities during this period.

The risk of mudflows remains in Sughd Region and the west of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan.  Dusty haze is expected to affect the southwestern and central regions of the country, the areas of republican subordination and Dushanbe, the press office of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Republic reported.

Mudflows are expected to occur on July 11-12, and dust haze may last until July 14. Dust storms will carry harmful substances (dust), the particles of which will range from 10 microns (Pm-10) to 2.5 microns (Pm-2.5).

The Emergency Situations Committee urges people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma and hypertension to take special care. It recommends doing wet cleaning in premises and, if necessary, wearing face masks.

Because of the threat of mudflows, it is recommended to carry out agricultural activities safely, in particular at the foothills and mountainous regions of Tajikistan, as well as when collecting wood or medicinal plants and grazing cattle on pastures in these areas.

12 07 2024, 09:16
Photo source: kchs.tj

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