Berdimuhamedov marks ways to keep peace in Central Asia

The head of Turkmenistan put forward proposals at a Consultative Meeting of the heads of state of Central Asian countries.

On July 21, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave a speech at a Fourth Consultative Meeting of the heads of state of Central Asian countries. He focused on the importance of taking additional measures to maintain security in the region. It was reported by the state news agency «Turkmenistan today».

First of all, Berdimuhamedov pointed out the main threats to Central Asia. Among them are the destabilization of the political situation at the internal level, the penetration of terrorists and extremists into the region, the negative impact of military conflicts in other countries on Central Asia, and the illegal use of information technology.

The president proposed to instruct the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries to develop a roadmap for security cooperation for the next two years with the participation of UNRCCA. He also put forward an initiative to develop a «code» for the state news agencies of the respective countries in the context of covering sensitive events.

The leader of Turkmenistan paid attention to the importance of effective interaction between the authorities in the framework of the Afghan situation. According to Berdimuhamedov, it would be expedient to use Turkmenistan’s neutrality in preventing conflicts.

The head of the state said that Ashgabat is going to propose to the UN to declare next year the International Year of Dialogue as a guarantee of peace.

23 07 2022, 12:09
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