Turkmenistan has integrated into the advanced community of states with developed economies and democratic principles.
Solemn events in honor of the 30th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan are held these days. This significant date has a special, truly historical significance for every Turkmen citizen. People celebrate this glorious holiday with joy and pride. They are proud of enormous successes achieved in the economy, social sphere, science, and culture.
In an interview to CentralAsia.news, a well-known analyst and political observer Vadim Shagiahmedov told about what sovereign Turkmenistan has turned into in three decades of independent development.
Turkmen people value their freedom
The country celebrates the anniversary of independence as a modern, competitive state with a solid foundation, colossal economic and humanitarian potential, successfully carrying out large-scale transformations in all spheres of society.
It is evidenced by economic indicators, which, despite the coronavirus pandemic in the world, are growing steadily.
Turkmens are people who value their freedom, independence, and their humanism more than anything else. They help other people, protect and love their national customs and culture. Independence of the state was proclaimed three decades ago, and a new country appeared on the world map — sovereign Turkmenistan.
During this short period, independence opened the world and glorified the name of the courageous Turkmen people.
Recognition of the UN and the principle of «The state is for people»
The highest assessment of Turkmenistan as a peace-loving, humane, friendly state on the part of the world community was the adoption of the Resolution on the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan by the United Nations.
For three decades, Turkmenistan has joined the ranks of states with a developed economy and democratic principles. During this time, the way of life, fate, and the spiritual world of the Turkmen people have radically changed. The people of the state have had a great influence on world culture.
The anniversary of independence is not only a great holiday but also an excellent opportunity to look back and give an objective assessment of the path traveled, from a historical point of view, to comprehend the significance of everything that has been achieved, to determine the tasks ahead.
The path passed by the country during the years of independence is certainly worthy of close study and comprehension by historians, political scientists, economists, and social scientists.
The main goals have been achieved during the years of independence. At the same time, special attention was paid to a person, personality, observance of his rights and freedoms, his dignity, development, and well-being. All this is reflected in the capacious motto: «The state is for people».
Transformations in all spheres
To ensure the economic security of Turkmenistan, the main directions of the investment policy and the industrial development of the country were developed. They are aimed at reorienting the raw materials industries to the production of finished products, the development of new processing industries.
The structure of agricultural production has been radically transformed, the sphere of science and education has been reformed, new technologies are being applied in all areas of the country’s life.
A national model of the health care system has been created in Turkmenistan. It is based on the wisdom, rich experience of ancestors, and modern global trends. Large-scale work to protect the environment, create wide opportunities for the development of mass sports and active recreation is carried out in the country.
In addition, new tax and banking systems were created, the foundations for the development of private entrepreneurship and civil society were formed. As part of the diversification of the national economy, digital systems are introduced everywhere. The past 30 years have been a time of prosperity of our culture and spiritual renewal of our society.
Decent place in the world
The successes of Turkmenistan in the sports field are unprecedented. Only in recent years, the largest world competitions have been held here with great success.
Our country is realizing great potential in the development of international cooperation. New promising areas of cooperation appear every year. The voice of Turkmenistan is widely heard from the authoritative rostrum of the United Nations and other major platforms.
From this high rostrum, we set out the initiatives to create various forms of cooperation, to develop their specific directions.
Thirty years after gaining independence, it is seen that the path of development chosen by Turkmenistan — the modernization of all spheres of public life based on national identity, combined with a peaceful foreign policy course of positive neutrality — was correct.
The country reached a high level without «shock therapy»
The fact that the territory of the country has turned into a gigantic construction site also confirms the correctness of the course chosen by Turkmenistan.
At the present difficult stage, when colossal upheavals are taking place in the geopolitical space of the world, the Turkmen people not only demonstrated extreme patience and endurance but also showed that in any situation they can preserve peace and tranquility in their land, preserve their sacred hearth.
It is impossible to name all the achievements made in such a short period by historical standards. Present-day Turkmenistan is a country that has managed to bring economic development and scientific and technological opportunities to a high level without shocks and «shock» therapies, which are used not only for the benefit of its people but also of all mankind.