Meeting in Avaza: New geopolitical format G-5 is integrated with world

Juma Orazklychev believes that modern history shows the tendency of shifting the center of gravity of world politics and economy to the East.

Recently held III Consultative Meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia in the national tourist zone «Avaza» has become the starting point for a new geopolitical format — G-5, or «Groupe of five». 

On August 11, a senior employee of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, candidate of historical sciences, regular author of the Juma Orazklychev commented on the meaning and significance of the new collective format.

A team of like-minded people

From now on, the Consultative Summit will have its permanent bodies, in particular, on security and cooperation, the Center for the Development of Transport and Communication Relations, as well as the Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. 

The heads of states of Central Asia also showed unanimity on the establishment of an International Biological Safety Agency, accountable to the UN Security Council.

In addition to the creation of permanent bodies, the decision to prepare for signing a Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness, and Cooperation for the Development of Central Asia in the 21st Century was an even clearer indication of the crystallization of the G-5.

The Common Symbol of the Consultative Meetings of the Heads of States of Central Asia adopted at the summit can be considered as a final touch to the portrait of a new geopolitical force. In the East, since ancient times, exceptional importance has been attached to symbols as eloquent signs of unification.

Transport and energy diplomacy

The G-5 has strong trump cards, first of all, this is its geostrategic position in the center of Eurasia. The existing transport corridors «North-South» and «East-West» should work more intensively. Turkmenistan is ready to provide its port facilities in the Caspian in the relevant direction.

In the energy sector, Turkmenistan intends to increase the supply of natural gas to the countries of Central Asia and foreign markets. The existing gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan supplies only a fraction of the gas from Turkmenistan’s rich storerooms, and negotiations to build a gas pipeline to China through Tajikistan are currently underway. There are also promising projects in the power industry that are beneficial for all countries in the region.

Revival of the dialogue of cultures

The G-5 has another extremely important trump card. Each of the 5 participating countries has preserved its cultural identity, and, at the same time, the monolithic nature of the Eastern mentality throughout the entire path of historical development. The peoples of Central Asia have never been fenced off from each other by a wall and carried through the centuries interest in each other’s culture. This was evidenced by the decision taken at the summit to establish a Forum for Cultural Dialogue of Central Asia entitled «Central Asia: One Past and a Common Future».

From now on, the countries of Central Asia, united geographically, historically, and mentally, or the G-5, are serious players in the international arena. And although the countries of the «five» will celebrate only the 30th anniversary of their independence this year, they have a solid historical experience of statehood behind them and an extremely successful one.

If we look back, we find that the West has dominated for only the last 5 centuries. Until the 17th century, most of the world’s GDP was produced in the East. The biggest share of the income came from the transit trade. According to the ancient Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus, the profit from customs duties in Parthia, which included the territories of the countries of Central Asia, was comparable to all the income and trophies that went to the treasury of the Roman Empire.

«Who controls the center of Eurasia, controls the world»

In the 15th century, there were only 3 ships capable of making long voyages in all of Europe. These ships were sent to «India». In the 11th century, the fleet of the Great Seljuk Empire, according to the famous historiographer, the Byzantine princess Anna Komnene, consisted of 200 newest ships, superior in their characteristics to all ships in the world.

For one and a half thousand years, from the 3rd century BC to the 12th century, the center of world power was located in Central Asia. During this period, the scientific achievements of the region set the tone for the development of the entire human civilization. All sciences, including one of the very first — astronomy, were born precisely in Central Asia, and not at all in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, or China. This historical fact was convincingly proved by the French astronomer, academician Jean-Sylvain Bailly.

Studies by French scientists such as academicians Joseph de Guigne, Edouard Chavannes, and Louis Bazin suggest that the ancient territory of Central Asia was not just one of the five, but possibly the first center of civilization on the planet.

In the book «The Grand Chessboard» American political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski noted that the Roman Empire, located on the outskirts of Eurasia, was a regional, not a world power. The main idea of his book can be expressed by the following words: «Who controls the center of Eurasia, controls the world».

The first step towards the historical homeland

In modern history, we are witnessing a traceable tendency towards the return of the center of gravity of world politics and economics to the East. Back in the 19th century, the French researcher Adalbert de Beaumont wrote: «The East is the cradle of humanity: it was there that the family was born, it was there that society was formed. Religious and moral ideas, political and civic institutions, sciences that expanded the intellect of man and improved his existence, arts that adorned him, sublime truths… everything comes from this source».  

The Consultative Meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia held in Avaza and the fact that a new geopolitical player G-5 has appeared on the international platform indicates that the first step to returning the magnetic pole of civilization not just to the East, but to its historical homeland — to Central Asia has been taken.

12 08 2021, 15:03
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